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Sun on My Face - Sedona on My Mind
(sheet music - single song download)
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1. Sedona on My Mind       3:30    
2. Wide Open Spaces     3:43    
3. Spring Has Sprung    3:33  
4. Leave the Past Behind    5:26  
5. Beautiful Day     2:47  
6. Silent Movie     4:58 
7. The Chair     4:55   
8. Sailor's Song     2:46 
9. Sun on My Face     3:23  
10. P.ay in Seven     3:48  
11. Is This Good-bye    3:39
12. Sunday Musings     4:08 
13. Liberation    3:07

Music mastered by Joe Bongiorno
Recorded at Piano Haven Studio on May 14th & 15th, 2013
Song sequencing by Louis Landon & Leroy Henry
Design & Layout:
Cover photos: Joe Bongiorno
Inside & back photos: Louis Landon

Louis Landon is a Steinway artist.
All music produced, arranged, written & performed by Louis Landon.
All music published by Landon Creative, Inc. BMI.

From the artist:
I continue to create a more loving and peaceful world by writing, recording and performing music from the heart. I also wish to inspire people to live joyously and passionately. With a positive attitude, life is excellent and better all the time. I am filled with gratitude for all that I have been given. Instead of settling for less, I am settling for more!

A heartfelt thank you to my family, friends and fans for their continued love and support.

love, peace, happiness~ Louis

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peace peaceful piano relaxation solo piano
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