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Epiphany - Peaceful Solo Piano
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Peaceful Solo Piano from the Heart was recorded on August 21st, 22nd & 23rd at Piano Haven Recording Studio in Kenmore, Washington
All music arranged, produced, recorded and performed by Louis Landon
Music mastered by Joe Bongiorno / Design & Layout:
Song order arranged by Leroy Henry

Rave CD review by Kathy Parsons at

1. My Joyous Soul 3:25
2. A Life in Three Acts 5:34
3. Vision Quest 3:14
4. Twilight 3:42
5. Galaxy 3:56
6. Silver Falls 5:34
7. Epiphany 4:56
8. Hangin at the Homestead 3:16
9. Faux Tango Fantasy 4:05
10. Etude for Mother Earth 4:16
11. Spanish Holiday 5:07
12. From the Heart 4:50
13. Big Sky Celebration 4:44
14. Namaste 4:19

Total running time: 61:01

Thanks to my family, friends and fans for their love and support.
Special thanks to Leroy Henry.
Extra special thanks to Joe Bongiorno and Dan Levin
All songs published by Landon Creative, Inc. (BMI)
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