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Boquete - Panama Piano
(sheet music - single song download)
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This is the PDF download for the sheet music for "Boquete" from the album Panama Piano.

Boquete is small and beautiful town in the NW mountains of Panama. The restaurants in Boquete were off the charts amazing! Most of them are farm-to-table. We did a fair amount of shopping there at small stores and outdoor markets. We did some exploring driving around the town as well as walking around the town. There were beautiful tropical flowers everywhere. At one point, we witnessed the most glorious rainbow that I took a picture of. That photo ended up as the cover of Panama Piano.

Panama Piano was released on July 10, 2020 and was recorded at the Peace Palace, Sedona, AZ on a Steinway B during the first two weeks of May, 2020.

It is available for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music and Pandora Radio

It is also available for downloading at iTunes, Amazon and Bandcamp

Listen to a sample here:

All music produced, arranged, composed & performed by Louis Landon

All music published by Landon Creative, Inc. BMI

Louis Landon is a Steinway Artist

Music mastering by Michael McDonald, Eugene, OR .

CD design by Jamaica Cole. Photos by Louis Landon
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